En 1930, don Pedro Albizu Campos – poco después de ser electo presidente del Partido Nacionalista- estableció el 23 de septiembre como día “sagrado” e inició lo que denominó “la patriótica peregrinación nacional hacia la tierra sagrada de Lares que es el tabernáculo augusto de la Patria”. En ese primer acto conmemorando la revolución de 1868 en Lares, Albizu Campos inició su discurso diciendo que se “cumple hoy un anhelo supremo de mi vida al encontrarme en esta ciudad de Lares. Yo hubiera entrado a Lares de rodillas: a tierra santa se entra de rodillas.” Para Albizu Lares era tierra consagrada porque en ella había sangre de mártires derramada en 1868. Don Pedro terminó su discurso diciendo: “Yo quiero que este día sea como un puñal clavado sobre vuestros corazones que os indique en los momentos de flaqueza cuál es vuestro deber.”
Cuarenta años después de la muerte de Albizu Campos, el FBI, la misma agencia que le persiguió toda su vida, escogió esa fecha "sagrada" para asesinar en Hormigueros al último de los luchadores de la patria, Filiberto Ojeda Ríos. Lo hicieron a propósito ese día mientras los independentistas estaban en Lares, para que lo que recordemos sea el asesinato vil y cobarde en lugar de la gesta revolucionaria de 1868. (Casa donde murió Filiberto desangrado)
Lo que lograron fue que el 23 de septiembre sea para recordar no solamente el grito de libertad que dio un grupo de puertorriqueños contra el régimen español en el siglo 19 sino darnos una razón más para desear la libertad del régimen que nos humilla desde 1898. Hormigueros es ahora un “puñal clavado sobre nuestros corazones” porque alberga la sangre derramada por el último de los revolucionarios de la patria.
Lecturas 2024
Este año se me ha hecho difícil leer. No por que ya no me guste, es que
simplemente no encuentro novelas que me agarren. Busco una prosa que me
atrape y n...
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Puerto Ricans, whether they are called Independents (independentistas), Patriots or Nationalists or Freemen, who desire to be free, must always know that the federal government, here in the States has no “subject matter jurisdiction” over the person, case or location and should be challenged to proof it. These are magic words to learn when in Federal Court for desiring freedom for your/our Country.
You won’t be told this in court but: All jury members, judges, attorneys, and employees working in federal court, must reside in federal territory to legally be a federal juror or touch your case or they can be commercially sued, disbarred and financially ruined for violating your constitutional rights etc.
Your God given right to be free is not wanted by the USA, it will oppose your desire for independence and freedom, because the Federal USA is a profit based Corporation.
The Federal Government is a District of Columbia “Corporation”, as are all the States of the USA. What you know of as the USA, is NOT a Republic, but a multi-based Corporation acting as a Country. These Corporations were formed for the benefit of the real owners. Since June of 1933, everything since then, is under Contract law or commercial law, aka Admiralty law, to benefit your masters in power.
The Federal Government owns Puerto Rico as an ASSET, because it is a slave colony—whether you like the idea or not. But the Federal Government takes orders from those who own and run this (Corporation) Country, but are not of this country. The International Bankers, who really own the corporations called the USA and also the Federal Reserve, will let the slaves of PR be free, only if enough real men of Boricua blood wish to be free, by reserving their rights under the Constitution. Their books will be adjusted and we will be free.
The answer to your freedom lies in your Constitutional rights --- To win --You must always reserve your constitutional, commercial rights and know what they are and how to do so.
A Puerto Rican without a desire for independence and/or freedom from alien control has no heart and soul of a man.
The fact that the public does not know that we are NOT free, makes no difference, to the desire to be free. The PR that wants Statehood is a Gringito, who has no soul of a man left in his traitor's heart. Freedom is happening all over the world and yet we allow Gringitos to kill our right to be free.
A Gringito is a non-Anglo THING, IT is not really a “person”, just like a mass murderer is more like an animal than a person, who internally is so inferior, that he desires to be what he can not be—thus Gringito means little gringo.
The Gringito is like an Uncle Tom to blacks or a collaborator and traitor to many others. To us he/she is all three and much worst. The “It or thing” I call Gringito, is the enemy of freedom -- all thru out HUMAN history.
We allow the Alien Invaders to kill, harm, abuse, rape, and scam us and yet the Gringito wants to give our Country away.
This abuse must end. No man or woman is a real Man or real woman who is too scared to fight for their souls and be free. If you listen to the Gringito, you will lose your soul.
Thru out eternity, humanity owes its freedom from slavery, ONLY TO BRAVE SOULS who fought and DIED for your right to be free.
The fight will NOT succeed if you don't fight the Gringito enemy/traitor/collaborator at home first. He is there next door and claims he is a real man and tries to give you many excuses of why PR can't be a free Country.
To give away your/our/my Country is not a right of alien invaders, visitors or foreigners with NO Puerto Rican Blood.
The right to vote on THIS ISSUE should NOT be given to NON-Puerto Ricans.
The fight for the independence of Puerto Rico is now non-violent and will be won in the hearts of real men around the World.
The Ronbothunter,
A proud freedom loving Puerto Rican.
All Rights Reserved
ronbothunter: I guess you are one of millions of boricuas born in the USA who are independentistas but speak only English. I guess you are able to read Spanish at least. So I will continue in Spanish..
Lo único que me preocupa de tu comentario es que ese tipo de argumentación me parece extremista. Por eso me sube la paranoia pues siendo colonia estamos rodeados de agentes por todos lados. El "standard operating procedure" del agente es provocar al otro para que asuma posiciones extremistas. Así tuvimos al famoso Alejandro González Malavé.
Perdona si te ofendí pero como no sé nada de tí, no tienes un blog ni una identidad, pues es natural que sospeche.
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